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Spring Boot integrated webservice quickstart demo



1. What is a webservice?

WebService is an SOA (Service Oriented Programming) architecture, which is not dependent on the language or platform, and can realize the mutual call between different languages and the interaction between network applications based on the Http protocol through the Internet. WebService is based on a standard that implements calls between different languages, and webservices need to comply with WSDL (Web Service Definition Language)/SOAP (Simple Request Protocol) specifications. WebService=WSDL+SOAP+UDDI (registration of webservice) Soap is composed of a part of Soap and 0 or more attachments, generally only part, and there are Envelope and Body in part. Web services are one that provides standard protocols and interfaces that allow different programs to be integratedSOA architecture。

Advantages of Web Services:

  • Can allow heterogeneous programs to access each other (cross-platform)
  • Loose coupling
  • Based on standard protocols (common language, allowing access to other programs)

Fundamentals of Web Services

  • The Service Provider uses WSDL to describe the service
  • The Service Provider uses UDDI to publish the description of the service to the UDDI Register server
  • The Service Requestor queries and fetches the WSDL file on the UDDI server
  • The Service requestor binds the request to SOAP and accesses the appropriate service.

What is SOAP?

The SOAP request (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a specialized version of HTTP POST that follows a special XML message format, with Content-type set to: text/xml, and any data can be XMLIZED. SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol. SOAP is a lightweight, simple, XML-based protocol designed to exchange structured and solidified information on the web. SOAP can be used in conjunction with many existing Internet protocols and formats, including Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), and Multipurpose Internet Mail Enrichment Protocol (MIME). It also supports a large number of applications, from messaging systems to remote procedure calls (RPCs).

2. Code engineering




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